Note to the reader
The information maintained in the Registry of Political Parties is updated on receipt of a written report, signed by the leader of the party.
- Canadian Action Party (involuntary deregistration, section 402)
- Canada Party (involuntary deregistration, section 415(3))
- First Peoples National Party of Canada (voluntary deregistration, section 414)
- Forces et Démocratie (involuntary deregistration, section 415(3))
- National Advancement Party of Canada (voluntary deregistration, section 414)
- Natural Law Party of Canada (voluntary deregistration, section 414)
- Newfoundland and Labrador First Party (involuntary deregistration, sections 410, 415)
- Party for Accountability, Competency and Transparency (voluntary deregistration, section 414)
- People's Political Power Party of Canada (involuntary deregistration, section 409)
- Pirate Party of Canada (involuntary deregistration, section 413(a))
- Seniors Party of Canada (involuntary deregistration, section 413(b))
- The Bridge Party of Canada (involuntary deregistration, section 402)
- United Party of Canada (voluntary deregistration, section 414)
- Work Less Party (voluntary deregistration, section 414)
- Western Block Party (involuntary deregistration, sections 410(3))
Political Parties That Lost Their Eligibility to Become Registered
Registered Political Parties
Note: The logos shown below are the ones officially registered with Elections Canada by the individual political parties.
Short-form Name: ATN
Party Leader: Mr. François Bélanger
National Headquarters: Post Office Box 20027
Tracadie-Sheila NB E1X 1G6
Web site:
Eligible: 2015-09-14
Registered: 2015-09-28
Chief Agent:
Mr. Derek Basque
32 Xavier Street
Tracadie NB E1X 2G9
Tel.: 506-395-4557
Gilbert Bastings, CPA, Inc.
Mr. Gilbert Bastings, CPA, CA
4899 5th Avenue
Montréal QC H1Y 2S1
Tel.: 514-597-1586
Fax: 514-597-1679
Short-form Name: Animal Protection Party
Party Leader: Ms. Liz White
National Headquarters: 101–221 Broadview Avenue
Toronto ON M4M 2G3
Tel.: 416-462-9541
Fax: 416-462-9647
Web site:
Eligible: 2005-08-02
Registered: 2005-12-10
Chief Agent:
Mr. Stephen D. Best
122 Kortright Road West
Guelph ON N1G 4V7
Tel.: 416-476-6731
Fax: 1-866-262-8520
Mr. Krishan Suntharalingam, CA
885 Progress Avenue
Suite UPH-9
Toronto ON M1H 3G3
Tel.: 416-285-9090
Fax: 416-285-1312
Short-form Name: Bloc Québécois
Party Leader: Mr. Yves-François Blanchet
National Headquarters: 402-3750 Crémazie Boulevard East
Montréal QC H2A 1B6
Tel.: 514-526-3000
Web site:
Eligible: 1991-07-08
Registered: 1993-09-11
Chief Agent:
Mr. Sylvain Gauthier
4729 Parthenais Street
Montréal QC H2H 2G8
Tel.: 514-526-3000 X 225
Fax: 514-526-2868
Mr. Michel Reinhardt, CPA, CA
1981 McGill College, 11th floor
Montréal QC H3A 0G6
Tel.: 514-908-3948
Fax: 514-934-3408
Short-form Name: Christian Heritage Party
Party Leader: Mr. Rodney L. Taylor
National Headquarters: PO Box 4958
Station E
Ottawa ON K1S 5J1
Tel.: 613-248-1818
Fax: 613-248-0909
Web site:
Short-form Name: Communist
Party Leader: Ms. Elizabeth Rowley
National Headquarters: 290A Danforth Avenue
Toronto ON M4K 1N6
Tel.: 416-469-2446
Web site:
Short-form Name: Conservative
Party Leader: Mr. Andrew Scheer
National Headquarters: c/o Mr. Dustin Van Vugt
Executive Director
Suite 1720, 130 Albert Street
Ottawa ON K1P 5G4
Tel: 613-755-2000
Fax: 613-755-2001
Web site:
Eligible: 2003-12-07
Registered: 2003-12-07
Chief Agent:
Conservative Fund Canada
c/o The Honourable Irving R. Gerstein, C.M., O.Ont., Chair
Suite 1720, 130 Albert Street
Ottawa ON K1P 5G4
Tel: 613-755-2000
Fax: 613-755-2001
Deloitte LLP
Ms. Doreen Hume, LPA, CPA, CA
1600-100 Queen Street
Ottawa ON K1P 5T8
Tel.: 613-751-5401
Fax: 613-236-2195
Short-form Name: Green Party
Party Leader: Ms. Elizabeth May
National Headquarters: c/o Ms. Emily McMillan, Executive Director
812-116 Albert Street
Ottawa ON K1P 5G3
Tel.: 613-562-4916
Fax: 613-706-1424
Web site:
Eligible: 1983-08-08
Registered: 1984-08-08
Chief Agent:
Green Party of Canada Fund
Mr. Steve Kisby
812–116 Albert Street
Ottawa ON K1P 5G3
Tel.: 604-323-0204
Welch LLP
Ms. Christa Casey, CPA, CA
300-123 Slater Street
Ottawa ON K1P 5H2
Tel.: 613-236-9191 X 176
Fax: 613-236-8258
Short-form Name: Liberal
Party Leader: The Right Hon. Justin Trudeau
National Headquarters: c/o Azam Ishmael, National Director
920-350 Albert Street
Ottawa ON K1P 6M8
Tel.: 613-237-0740
Fax: 613-235-7208
Web site:
Eligible: 1972-04-04
Registered: 1972-04-04
Chief Agent:
The Federal Liberal Agency of Canada
920-350 Albert Street
Ottawa ON K1P 6M8
Tel.: 613-783-8421
Fax: 613-783-8444
PricewaterhouseCoopers, LLP, CA
Marc Normand, CPA, CA
710-99 Bank Street
Ottawa ON K1P 1E4
Tel.: 613-237-3702
Fax: 613-237-3963
Short-form Name: Libertarian
Party Leader: Mr. Timothy P. Moen
National Headquarters: 126-372 Rideau Street
Ottawa ON K1N 1G7
Tel.: 855-273-5762
Web site:
Eligible: 2004-05-13
Registered: 2004-06-02
Chief Agent:
Mr. Larson P. Hogberg
194 Centennial Street
Winnipeg Manitoba R3N 1P3
Tel.: 204-981-7715
Fax: 204-956-9424
KJL & Associates
Mr. Ken Lee, CPA
1151 Portage Avenue
Winnipeg MB R3B 0S9
Short-form Name: Radical Marijuana
Party Leader: M. Blair T. Longley
National Headquarters:
5535 Bourbonnière Avenue
Montréal, QC H1X 2N3
Tel.: 514-725-8103
Web site:
Eligible: 2000-09-19
Registered: 2000-11-06
Chief Agent:
Mr. Blair T. Longley
5535 Bourbonnière Avenue
Montréal QC H1X 2N3
Tel.: 514-725-8103
Mr. Gary A. Rozon, CMA
156 Redpath Drive
Ottawa ON K2G 6K5
Tel.: 613-866-2299
Fax: 613-823-3095
Short-form Name: Marxist-Leninist
Party Leader:
Ms. Anna Di Carlo
National Headquarters: 404–1066 Somerset Street West
Ottawa ON K1Y 4T3
Tel.: 613-792-4475
Web site:
Eligible: 1990-01-22
Registered: 1993-09-28
Chief Agent:
Ms. Hélène Héroux
P.O. Box 666, Station C
Montréal QC H2L 4L5
Tel./Fax: 613-792-4475
Mr. Sylvain Lavoie, CA
7881 Décarie Boulevard, Suite 405
Montréal QC H4P 2H2
Tel.: 514-735-7881
Short-form Name: National Citizens Alliance
Party Leader: Mr. Stephen J. Garvey
National Headquarters: P.O. Box 94
728 Northmount Drive North-West
Calgary AB T2K 6J8
Tel.: 833-822-8330
Web site:
Eligible: 2019-01-16
Registered: 2019-01-30
Chief Agent:
Mr. Adrien J. Bordage
101-3423 Alfred-Desrochers Street
Sherbrooke QC J1K 0A7
Tel.: 506-343-5760
Mr. Michael L. Doyle, CPA, CA
21 Point McKay Court North-West
Calgary AB T3B 5B7
Tel.: 403-270-9308
Short-form Name: NDP-New Democratic Party
Party Leader: Mr. Jagmeet Singh
National Headquarters: 300-279 Laurier Avenue West
Ottawa ON K1P 5J9
Tel.: 613-236-3613
Fax: 613-230-9950
Web site:
Eligible: 1971-06-07
Registered: 1971-06-07
Chief Agent:
New Democrats of Canada Association
Ms. Melissa Bruno
300-279 Laurier Avenue West
Ottawa ON K1P 5J9
Tel.: 613-236-3613
Fax: 613-230-9950
Mr. R. William Lyon, CA
10295 Shaw Road
Mountain ON K0E 1S0
Tel.: 613-989-5534
Fax: 613-989-5526
People's Party of Canada
Short-form Name: People's Party
Party Leader: Mr. Maxime Bernier
National Headquarters: 205-290 Saint-Joseph Boulevard
Gatineau QC J8Y 3Y3
Tel : 819-205-2648
Web site:
Eligible: 2018-11-14
Registered: 2019-01-17
Chief Agent:
Mr. Christian Roy
233 37e Rue
Saint-Georges QC G5Y 0C7
Tel.: 418-226-9088
Blanchette Vachon s.e.n.c.r.l.
Mr. Jasmin Grondin, CPA
300-10665 1 Avenue
Saint-Georges QC G5Y 6X8
Tel.: 418-228-9761
Fax: 418-228-3762
Short-form Name: PC Party
Party Leader: Mr. Joseph F. Hueglin
National Headquarters: 218 Twyford Street
Ottawa ON K1V 0V9
Tel.: 613-738-8946
Web site:
Eligible: 2004-03-26
Registered: 2004-05-29
Chief Agent:
Mr. Allen C. Gullon
218 Twyford Street
Ottawa ON K1V 0V9
Tel.: 613-738-8946
Gary Rozon CMA Inc.
156 Redpath Drive
Ottawa ON K2G 6K5
Tel.: 613-866-2299
Fax: 613-823-3095
Short-form Name: Rhinoceros
Party Leader: Mr. Sébastien CoRhino Corriveau
National Headquarters: 125 Rang des Bouleaux
Saint-Donat-de-Rimouski QC G0K 1L0
Tel.: 581-624-2530
Web site:
Eligible: 2007-08-16
Registered: 2007-08-23
Chief Agent:
Mr. Jean-Patrick Berthiaume
Basement, 2705 Laurier Avenue East
Montréal QC H1Y 1Y8
Tel.: 438-877-8177
Gilbert Bastings, B.A.A., C.A. Inc.
Mr. Gilbert Bastings, CA
4899, 5th Avenue
Montréal QC H1Y 2S1
Tel.: 514-597-1679
Fax: 514-597-1586
Eligible Political Party
Short-form Name: Stop Climate Change
Party Leader: Mr. E. Ken Ranney
National Headquarters: 434 Hillcrest Avenue
Peterborough ON K9J 6H6
Tel.: 705-743-2939
Web site:
Eligible: 2019-06-21
Chief Agent:
Mr. Fred E. Irwin
1057 County Road 4
Douro-Drummer ON K0L 2H0
Tel.: 705-652-0716
Nara Manickam Professional Corp.
Mr. Nara Manickam, LPA, CPA, CA
26 Highbridge Road
Richmond Hill ON L4B 1Y3
Tel.: 905-882-6565
Fax: 905-882-0440
Short-form Name: UPC
Party Leader: Mr. Carlton L. Darby
National Headquarters: 412-2 County Court Boulevard
Brampton ON L6W 3W8
Tel : 905-595-6884 X 6884
Web site:
Eligible: 2018-10-22
Chief Agent:
Mr. Ashraf Vania
412-2 County Court
Brampton ON L6W 3W8
Tel.: 905-595-6884 X 6884
Mr. Ben Seto, FCPA
110-9140 Leslie Street
Richmond Hill ON L4B 0A9
Tel.: 905-597-5773
Fax: 905-513-7775
Deregistered Political Parties
Canadian Action Party
Short-form Name: CAP
Party Leader: Mr. Jeremy E. Arney
National Headquarters: 788 Mabel Lake Road
Lumby BC V0E 2G5
Tel.: 250-547-9428
Eligible: 1997-03-17
Registered: 1997-05-13
Deregistered: 2017-03-31
Chief Agent:
Ms. Heather F. Karl
7990 Wellington Road 12
Arthur ON N0G 1A0
Tel.: 226-971-9761
Gary Rozon CMA Inc.
156 Redpath Drive
Ottawa ON K2G 6K5
Tel.: 613-866-2299
Fax: 613-823-3095
Canada Party
Short-form Name: Canada Party
Party Leader: Dr. James K. Pankiw
National Headquarters: 1400 Central Avenue
Saskatoon SK S7N 2H2
Tel.: 306-260-7446
Fax: 306-651-2211
Eligible: 2015-02-02
Registered: 2015-09-15
Deregistered: 2016-09-30
Chief Agent:
Mr. Austin D. Thomas
26-110 Banyan Crescent
Saskatoon SK S7V 1G7
Tel.: 306-241-9385
Collins Barrow PQ LLP
Mr. Adrian Olenick, FCPA, FCA
201-500 Spadina Crescent East
Saskatoon SK S7K 4H9
Tel.: 306-242-4281
Fax: 306-242-4429
First Peoples National Party of Canada
Short-form Name: FPNP
Party Leader: Mr. William Morin
National Headquarters: 242 St. George Street
Sudbury ON P3C 2X2
Tel.: 705-561-8004
Eligible: 2005-12-06
Registered: 2005-12-27
Deregistered: 2013-07-31
Chief Agent:
Ms. Robin Wemigwans
242 St. George Street
Sudbury, ON P3C 2X2
Tel.: 705-525-6829
Mr. Bradley Thomas Lecour,CA
1064 Lasalle Boulevard
Sudbury, ON P3A 1X9
Tel.: 705-560-7444
Fax: 705-560-9173
Forces et Démocratie
Short-form Name: Forces et Démocratie - Allier les forces de nos régions
Party Leader: Mr. Jean-François Fortin
National Headquarters: Post Office Box 4
Matane QC G4W 2B0
Tel.: 418-476-1359
Eligible: 2014-11-24
Registered: 2015-08-07
Deregistered: 2016-09-30
Chief Agent:
Mrs. Catherine Lavoie
57 Léonidas Avenue South
Rimouski QC G5L 2T3
Tel.: 418-725-5232
Mallette, SENCRL
Mrs. Manon Albert, CPA, CA
12-1564 Jacques-Cartier Boulevard
Mont-Joli QC G5H 2V8
Tel.: 418-775-7294
Fax: 418-775-3601
National Advancement Party of Canada
Short-form Name: National Advancement
Party Leader: Mr. Stephen J. Garvey
National Headquarters: 728 Northmount Drive North-West
PO Box 94
Calgary, Alberta T2K 6J8
Tel.: 403-669-8132
Eligible: 2014-11-18
Registered: 2015-08-19
Deregistered: 2017-12-31
Chief Agent:
Mr. Jeffery Wenzowski
433 3rd Avenue North-West
Weyburn SK S4H 1R2
Tel.: 306-891-5180
Mr. Michael L. Doyle, CPA, CA
21 Point McKay Court North-West
Calgary AB T3B 5B7
Tel. (403) 270-9308
Natural Law Party of Canada
Short-form Name:
Natural Law Party
Party Leader:
Mr. Ashley Deans
National Headquarters:
503–20 Cherrytree Drive
Brampton ON L6Y 3V1
Tel.: 905-450-0619
Eligible: 1992-08-31
Registered: 1993-09-23
Deregistered: 2004-01-23
Chief Agent:
Natural Law Party Fund
(Mr. Maxim Newby)
503–20 Cherrytree Drive
Brampton ON L6Y 3V1
Tel.: 905-450-0619
Mr. Ronald Bruce Love, CA
1–30 Wertheim Court
Richmond Hill ON L4B 1B9
Tel.: 905-475-5777
Fax: 905-886-0175
Newfoundland and Labrador First Party
Short-form Name: NL First Party
Party Leader: Mr. Wayne Ronald Bennett
National Headquarters: 27 Bay Bulls Road
St. John's NL A1G 1A4
Tel.: 709-722-6537
Eligible: 2007-11-15
Registered: 2008-09-13
Deregistered: 2011-01-31
Chief Agent:
Mr. Darryl J. Harding
10 Cole Place
St. John's, NL A1A 1Y5
Tel.: 709-687-1486
Harris Ryan Chartered Accountants
c/o Harold J. Ryan, CA
Suite 101, 39 Pippy Place
St. John's, NL A1B 3X2
Tel.: 709-726-8324
Fax: 709-726-4525
Party for Accountability, Competency and Transparency
Short-form Name: PACT
Party Leader: Mr. Michael Nicula
National Headquarters: 411-637 Lake Shore Boulevard West
Toronto ON M5V 3J6
Tel.: 416-567-6913
Eligible: 2012-07-16
Registered: 2012-11-05
Deregistered: 2016-07-31
Chief Agent:
MACH IT Systems Inc.
Ms. Eunice Shang
508-508 Wellington St. West
Toronto ON M5V 0K8
Tel.: 416-598-7777
Mr. Neil Sharma, CMA
64 Hinsley Crescent
Ajax ON L1T 0B6
Tel.: 416-316-7130
People's Political Power Party of Canada
Short-form Name: PPP
Party Leader: Mr. Roger F. Poisson
National Headquarters: 107 Marion Street
Winnipeg MB R2H 0T2
Tel.: 204-233-6087
Fax: 204-233-6217
Eligible: 2006-04-25
Registered: 2008-09-21
Deregistered: 2011-04-13
Chief Agent:
Mrs. Laurel Sue McCallum
107 Marion Street
Winnipeg MB R2H 0T2
Tel.: 204-233-6087
Fax: 204-233-6217
Talbot & Associates
c/o Mr. Jean-Guy Talbot, CGA
3487 Pembina Highway
Winnipeg MB R3V 1A4
Tel.: 204-269-7460
Fax: 204-269-7096
Pirate Party of Canada
Short-form Name: Pirate
Party Leader: Mr. Travis McCrea
National Headquarters: 1601–788 Jervis Street
Vancouver BC V6E 0B5
Eligible: 2010-04-12
Registered: 2010-11-06
Deregistered: 2017-11-30
Chief Agent:
The Pirate Party of Canada Fund
Mr. James Phillips
6A — 9820 104 Street NW
Edmonton Alberta
T5K 0Z1
Tel.: 780-652-1063
Gilbert Bastings, B.A.A., C.A. Inc.
c/o Mr. Gilbert Bastings, CA
4899 - 5th Avenue
Montréal QC H1Y 2S1
Tel.: 514-597-1679
Fax: 514-597-1586
Seniors Party of Canada
Short-form Name:
Seniors Party
Party Leader:
Mr. Daniel J. Patton
National Headquarters:
31 Baymark Road
Thornhill ON L3T 3Y4
Tel.: 647-454-5699
Fax: 416-628-5274
Eligible: 2014-08-14
Registered: 2015-09-24
Deregistered: 2016-11-30
Chief Agent:
Mr. James N. Fairbairn
31 Baymark Road
Thornhill ON L3T 3Y4
Tel.: 416-729-9344
Fax: 416-860-9900
Parker Simone LLP
Mr. Marco F. Simone, CPA, CA
129 Lakeshore Road East, Suite 201
Mississauga ON L5G 1E5
Tel.: 905-271-7977
Fax: 905-271-7677
The Bridge Party of Canada
Short-form Name: The Bridge
Party Leader: Mr. David Berlin
National Headquarters: 38 Albany Avenue
Toronto ON M5R 3C3
Tel.: 647-964-0536
Eligible: 2015-04-29
Registered: 2015-06-28
Deregistered: 2017-01-31
Chief Agent:
Mr. Charles S. Lior
623 Crawford Street
Toronto ON M6G 3K1
Tel.: 416-538-3127
Suntharalingam Professional Corporation
Mr. Krishan Suntharalingam, CPA, CA
885 Progress Avenue, Suite UPH-9
Toronto ON M1H 3G3
Tel.: 416-285-9090
Fax: 416-285-1312
United Party of Canada
Short-form Name: United Party
Party Leader: Mr. Robert (Bob) Kesic
National Headquarters: 119 Oakcrest Drive
Keswick ON L4P 3J2
Tel.: 905-476-0000
Eligible: 2010-06-17
Registered: 2010-11-08
Deregistered: 2016-08-31
Chief Agent:
Mr. Paul Pisani
32 Algonquin Forest Drive
East Gwillimbury ON L9N 0C6
Tel.: 905-836-6221
Mrs. Mary Elaine Lisotti, CGA
2220 Line 11
Bradford ON L3Z 2A5
Tel./Fax: 905-775-7775
Work Less Party
Short-form Name: Work Less Party
Party Leader: Mr. Conrad Schmidt
National Headquarters: 1545 10th Avenue East
Vancouver BC V5N 1X6
Tel.: 604-215-9395
Eligible: 2007-10-01
Registered: 2008-09-22
Deregistered: 2010-07-31
Chief Agent:
Ms. Jessica Ruth Mason-Paull
1531 4th Avenue East
Vancouver BC V5N 1J7
Tel.: 604-537-2044
Fitzgerald Financial Consulting
c/o Mr. John R. Fitzgerald, CA
19–285 17th Street
West Vancouver BC V7V 3S6
Tel.: 604-924-5115
Fax: 604-925-9940
Western Block Party
Short-form Name: WBP
Party Leader: Mr. Paul St. Laurent
National Headquarters: PO Box 24052
4420 West Saanich Road
Victoria BC V8Z 7E7
Tel.: 250-479-6270
Fax: 250-479-3294
Eligible: 2005-06-24
Registered: 2005-12-29
Deregistered: 2014-01-31
Chief Agent:
Ms. Keltie Zubko
PO Box 24052
4420 West Saanich Road
Victoria BC V8Z 7E7
Tel.: 250-479-6270
Fax: 250-479-3294
Burns & Bell CGAs
c/o Mrs. Jane Burns, CGA
100–3930 Shelbourne Street
Victoria BC V8P 5P6
Tel.: 250-477-4431
Fax: 250-477-4405